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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Three Springs Ministries

Three Springs Ministries is a wonderful Christian retreat center set in the mountains of north-central Pennsylvania that caters to teens and young adults, but also offers the beautiful Link Hill Inn to small groups of adults for personal retreats.  Yesterday a group from the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild met at the Linck Hill Inn to help make quilts for one of the bunkhouses on the property.  The surroundings of the restored Victorian mansion were perfect for a day of quilting and we produced 15 twin sized quilt tops...enough for all of the bunks!  It was a fun day and I was happy to be able to help with the quilts, but I was even happier to get a sneak peek at the place where the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild's fall retreat will be held in October.  (Where's the sign up sheet?)

For more information about Three Springs Ministries or the Linck Hill Inn visit www.threespringsministries.org


1. Barb said...

That sounds like an awesome place to go...

2. Deb said...

Wow Susan what a beautiful looking building. I can appreciate the anticipation of your retreat coming up. You and your quilt group are such wonderful women. The love that you all share and show to others is amazing and you all obviously enjoy doing it. The centre will be thrilled with all of their new quilts.

3. Janet said...

What a gorgeous plac3e, I could move in. You all got through a lot of quilts, amazing.

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