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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Bars, circa 1890–1910, maker unknown.
Several years ago I saw this quilt featured in an online article about an Amish Quilt Exhibit that was held in Washington, D.C.  I love the simplicity of Amish quilts and this particular quilt caught my eye, so I saved the photo to my "Quiltspiration" folder thinking that someday I would try to duplicate it in miniature.  Yesterday turned out to be "someday" and Mini Amish Bars was born.  

Mini Amish Bars
Inspiration for quilts can be found just about anywhere, but I find that other quilters (old and new) are the ones who inspire me the most, especially those quilters who blog or maintain websites!  Inspiration abounds from the quilters who freely share their quilts, patterns, tips and ideas across the web. Since I started Hanging On by a Needle and Thread three years ago, I have visited quilt blogs from all over the world.  I am inspired each and every day by your quilts, your words, your ideas, and your lives. I thank you for that and I hope in some small way that I inspire you as well.

In honor of my blogiversary and three years of inspiration from the wonderful world of quilt bloggers I am giving away my Mini Amish Bars quilt.  To enter, simply leave a comment on this post.  The winner will be picked randomly on Saturday, May 28, and notified by email (so be sure to include your email address with your comment if you are a "no reply" blogger).


1. Gypsy Quilter said...

What a great color combination. I don't believe I've seen this particular quilt before in any of my books. Thank you for sharing it with us.

2. Brenda said...

wow, it's lovely. I can't believe you're giving it away. but since you are, please pick me! I love the Amish bars pattern.

3. Debbie said...

Congrats on your blogiversary, Susan. That quilt is adorable and I'd love to own it. I love minis! Thanks for counting me in.

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

I named my Quiltspiration folder "Gestation" - good for you for making one that inspired you! Happy blogiversary, too.

(you know I'd love to become the guardian of your little quilt . . .)

5. lautelqltr said...

Susan, you have not inspired me in any small way. YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME IN MANY LARGE WAYS. I have learned so much from you and when I am down I only have to check your blog for for a quick lift. I am now going to start a new folder called "quilting inspirations" to, hopefuly, better organize my thoughts.

Thank you


6. Diane said...

Congratulations! Time flies! I agree with you, I'm always amazed at the wonderful work in blogs. And see so many quilts that I would love to make- your sharing of your delicious recipes is a treasure too-those Pineapple drop cookies...my mouth waters just thinking about 'em!

7. Terry said...

Congratulations on three wonderful years! And thanks for the beautiful giveaway! :0)

8. Melinda said...

What a beautiful little quilt. While I can't believe you are giving it away, I certainly want my name in the drawing. Thank you for the opportunity.

9. Anya said...

Love it....Can't go wrong with pink! And I love the quilting you did on it. And congrats on your blogiversary!

10. Lori said...

I hope you made two quilts because you will surely miss that one when you give it away! It is awesome!! How generous of you.

11. rockgranny said...

Pink & green;my bedroom is decorated in this two colours,I LOVE them.
Happy blogiversary, Susan

12. Anonymous said...

You are so sweet to have a giveaway and here I am wanting in on the action. :-) It has been fun getting to know ya through blogging emails.

13. Michele Bilyeu said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary..that's wonderful and even more so is the darling quilt. Throw my name in the hat..I'd love to own this charmer!! Very cute!

14. Elizabeth Ann said...

Your quilts are always so pretty! I love the bright cheerful colors of this one. It would be such a treasure to have. Congratulations on your anniversary!

15. pjwould said...

What great colors you chose. I love how great they look. Congratulations on your 3rd blogiversary.

16. Ramona said...

Your mini quilts are just beautiful. The colors just sing! I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you.


17. Paula said...

Beautiful quilt. You know....my 28th wedding anniversary is on the 28th. Sure would be a lovely gift. *wink*

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