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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Expect The Unexpected

Usually I have an idea, theme or at least some kind of a plan when I make a Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt, but this one just sort of happened without a whole lot of thought.  I was sewing a few pink selvages together and noticed a curve in the edge and thought it might be fun to add a couple of free pieced curves.  It was then that I thought that the project might make a nice Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt...all it needed was a little quilting and a binding.  The quilting was easy...I just echoed the curves.  The binding is where the "unexpected" part came in.  I first thought that white would make a nice binding, but then I noticed that a couple of the selvages showed just a bit of lime green and thought, why not?  Lime green wasn't my first choice, but it did make me smile, so I went along with it.  Just like when a loved one suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, you need to learn to "Expect The Unexpected" and go with the flow and you may just come away with a smile now and then!


1. Terry said...

I love it! I love the pinks and I love the curves and I love the lime green! :0)

2. Lori said...

Fantastic! I love the title!! It is perfect for the quilt.

3. Jocelyn said...

This turned out so lovely.

4. Needled Mom said...

LOVE the lime green border!!! It is perfect.

5. Anya said...

Love it!

6. Janet said...

That turned out great, I love it when a plan comes to mind like that.

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

What an artist you are! I love this!

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