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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Quilting Season!

It was 19 BELOW zero on my front porch this morning!  Oh yes, it is the dead of winter in northern Pennsylvania and if you weren't already sure, quilting season has definitely arrived!


1. Jocelyn said...

Oh wow, that is too Cold!!! Pile up those quilts and enjoy quilting them.

2. Elizabeth Ann said...

Ohhhhh tooo cold - hope you have a nice warm wood burning stove to keep you cozy!

3. Jackie's Stitches said...

That is wrong on so many levels! I hope you're staying warm because I imagine you have to work really hard at it with that temperature.

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Mom was at 25 below and a water main broke in town yesterday so they couldn't run water till they fix it, and you know some of those old houses ya have to run the water. I am going to call her later and see if she is OK.

5. Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Susan, stay warm and can't wait to see your projects.

6. ktquilts said...

Praying you have plenty warm to drink, and a load of creativity to occupy you!! Stay warm and safe!

7. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I'll trade with ya!!! Wanna live south of Toledo? I'd move to PA in a heartbeat. LOL....I'm not thinking you want to live south of Toledo....perhaps south of GA or WA but not Toledo.

Warm Hugs,

8. Deb said...

Fantastic photo Susan although not sure about the 19 Below, that does sound rather chilly but what a great excuse to stay inside and quilt-not that we need an excuse.
Keep warm!

9. Linda C said...

l am coming to P.A. in just over 7 weeks. What can l expect the temps to be? We might get to 0 celsius here, but certainly nothing like what you are experiencing.

10. Janet said...

I can't even imagine what that temperature would feel like. Of course you must make the most of it and quilt.

11. Needled Mom said...

Brrrr....definitely quilt season.

12. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

It was -10° in Northwestern PA, so basically I think it was a heat wave compared to your porch.

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