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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cowboy Laundry?

This pile of shirts and jeans may look like a load of laundry, but actually it will all be going into my next quilting project!  A few months ago I saw this Watch Me Grow Chart on Moda Bake Shop and when I showed it to the lil' cowboy's mommy she said it was just what they needed!  Military families move a LOT, so tracking the lil' cowboy's height on his closet door the way we did for his daddy is pretty much out of the question.  A quilted growth chart made from some of his old baby clothes and scraps from his cowboy quilts will be the perfect alternative!


1. Janet said...

That is such a great idea, I hadn't seen that tutorial. It would be great for people who live in rental properties too.

2. Anonymous said...

*Sniff* Seeing those shirts again brought back memories. I can't wait to see the chart all finished though!

3. Lori said...

What a terrific idea! Love the stack of cowboy clothes.

4. Cheryl said...

I wonderful idea ! I can't wait to see it finished. A great way to reused favorite clothes .

5. Barb said...

That is awesome.....

6. Needled Mom said...

It will be darling. I saw the same project and put it on my "to do" list.

7. Barb said...

Now how clever is that, I am anxious to see it finished up! Cute and clever all in the same project...you go girl! Have a wonderful weekend!

8. Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea!

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