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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Far From Perfect

I finally started quilting my "Dear Jane" quilt and you can tell by my stitches that it has been a very long time since I have done any hand quilting.  I should have practiced on a small project on a bit before starting, but this quilt is far from perfect anyway, so I guess the irregular stitches will fit right in once it's done!


1. Pat said...

I think it's fine....and...to me, a Dear Jane quilt should show hand-stitches, even if they are irregular in spots. It just fits with the whole theme of the quilt.

2. Rene' said...

Your stitches look great to me! I love the look of the hand stitching. Pat is right...it adds to the theme of the quilt.

3. Barb said...

Once you get it done, you will be hard pressed to see any irregular stitches.....it will look wonderful....besides...I couldn't see anything wrong with your stitches.

4. Needled Mom said...

When you are finished you will never know your mistakes. It is only when you are scrutinizing each stitch that you feel that way. It will be gorgeous!

5. Janet said...

It looks fine to me and you'll warm up pretty fast. I always say it shows it was hand made.

6. Lori said...

I've been trying to get mine quilted for years now. Every time I start again it looks rather primitive, but it gets a bit better. Then all the seams make it interesting too. Enjoy your DJ quilting journey!

7. Betsy said...

Congratulations Susan on completing your Dear Jane, I still have years to go on it. Your stitching looks perfect to me.

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

I just finished my first hand quilting project. Not sure if I can do big ones as my hand hurt. Don't worry about your stitches, you'll get warmed up as you go along and the beginning won't be as noticeable.

9. Lucky Charm said...

sometime project takes a life of it's own. Don't worry about the irregular stitches... it adds characters.

10. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh well....I say just ride faster on the horse when you are looking at it....LOL :)


11. Dora, the Quilter said...

Once upon a time *all* my quilts were handquilted. The last time I did handquilting was at a museum in northern Illinois, and I didn't have my thimble or the right needles, or anything. The last handquilted quilt for me was done sometime in the 90's--before I really understood my own mortality. Have to confess that since that time they've all been machine quilted. Your post makes me realize I need to make sure I keep up my handquilting skills just in case. Besides, today there are many more kinds/types of quilt batts and thread--and more to choose from is great. That said, I don't think I'll ever go back to the days when I quilted with a size 12 between!

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