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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Pillowcases are fast and easy to make and now they are even easier to make with this tube method.  Pillowcases make great gifts and they can even be used as gift wrapping, so if you need a quick last minute Christmas gift or gift bag, a pillowcase project might just be for you.
If you have all of your Christmas shopping and projects finished and need something to do, consider making a pillowcase or two and giving it to a shut-in, sick child or anyone who could use a bright spot at this time of year as part of the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.


1. Ladydy5 aka: Diane Yates said...

Thank you, so adorable and easy, especiallly since I am a novice at sewing.

2. Cheryl said...

Thank you for the video, it does look easier to do, I don't really like the inside seam to show, so I do it the hard way and turn the top binding down afterwards . I made 21 so far and have 5 more to sew up for gifts. I even made myself one as I like printed pillow cases too.

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