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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, December 27, 2010

On The Road Again

Despite the blowing and drifting snow, my oldest granddaughter and I are traveling to the Philadelphia area this morning to spend the week with the lil' cowboy and his parents.  I wish that the roads outside were as warm and dry as they are on the My Little Town play quilt that I made for the lil' cowboy's second birthday, but I'm certainly not going to let a little snow keep us from all of the fun we have planned for the week!


1. Diane said...

oh be careful-I think the coast is getting hammered w/snow!
I quilted that same quilt for a friends grandson-too cute!

2. Anya said...

Be careful and have fun!

3. Lori said...

Have a wonderful time! Be safe!!

4. Elizabeth Ann said...

A little snow? Our tv is showing mounds and mounds of snow. You better take some quilts, hot chocolate and cookies just in case! Have fun!!!

5. Needled Mom said...

Safe travels and have a wonderful visit.

6. Janet said...

I hope your trip is safe. I should put that playmat on the list for next year for my grandson, it's a great idea.

7. Stephanie Hughes said...

Hope you're having a great holiday. Happy New Year Susan!

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