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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kool-Aid Addiction

Who didn't love a glass of ice cold Kool-Aid on a hot summer day when they were a kid?  My favorite flavor was always lemonade, but now I love ALL of the flavors colors!  I'm not drinking it though...I'm dyeing wool yarn with it!  I began with this tutorial from Knit Purl Gurl, a few packages of Kool-Aid and a skein of Patons Classic Wool.  My crock pot was not large enough to hold the yarn, so I used a large glass baking dish (with a lid) and the oven (set at 325 degrees) instead, but other than that the process remained the same. 
As you can see, my yarn turned out beautifully and I'm afraid that I am now hopelessly addicted to Kool-Aid!


1. Needled Mom said...

That is gorgeous yarn. Was it varigated to begin with? LOVE the color!!!

Snow lies??? I like that idea.

2. ktquilts said...

And here I am using the clear watermelon for preventing hard water deposits....(Koolaid is for drinking?) Great yarn colors.



3. Terry said...

Your yarn came out great! I love those colors! :0)

4. Elizabeth Ann said...

You have to stop teasing with all the wonderful yarn projects I have to stay focus on quilt projects - but just a little question, you really used kool-aid and got all those wonderful colors???

5. Cheryl said...

Ok I saw Noel's lesson on how to dye with Kool aide but I don't belive it was like this ,how did you get 3 colors at one time and I love the way you twisted it ,you must have alot of patience!
Love the colors together.

6. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Very kool, Susan.

7. Janet said...

That is amazing, the colours are gorgeous.

8. Peggi Yac said...

You were right about the wonderful Kool-aid colors. I guess I'll have to try this with Hannah.

9. Jackie's Stitches said...

It's gorgeous! I like to dye yarn too but don't do it often. Unfortunately, I can dye it much faster than I can knit it.

10. Anonymous said...

Brilliant Susan- it came out so well. Thanks for popping in.

11. SJ said...

That is beautiful!

12. Taryn said...

I can't believe that yarn color came from Koolaid. Really, truly? If so, I'm never drinking it again.

13. Unknown said...

Wow! That's beautiful! I love it!

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