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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Out of the Box" Challenge

The challenge for the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild's 2010 exhibit was "Out of the Box". Guild members were asked to make a quilt (less than 36" in any direction) in any shape quilt other than the traditional square or rectangle. My entry turned out a little more rectangular than I had hoped, but it certainly was a leap out of my box. I used all of my own hand dyed fabrics, free pieced curves in the style of Ricky Tims' Caveman Quilt's and then I "quilted it to death". The whole project was a real stretch for me, but it was fun to step "Out of the Box"!


1. Diane said...

I love it, and good for you for taking the challenge. I find it very difficult to do something so different, in fact I haven't in quite a while.

2. Cheryl said...

This is different for you ! But I love it too , what happened to the dandelions you was going to do ? Or is that a different project?

3. Joyful Quilter said...

Love It! The colors are great, and you did a wonderful job designing it.

4. Janet said...

I love that you did something so successfully out of the box. It looks great and the quilting enhances it.

5. Karen said...

I was at your quilt show yesterday! It is delightful! Had a wonderful time with some friends and met Anya! Great work on the challenge quilt and the quilt show!

6. AnnMarie said...

I just love your art quilt!

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