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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dear Jane Progress!

The borders are finally on and I can now say that my Dear Jane top is finished! It took me two years to get to this point, but that's with it sitting untouched in the closet for a good part of that time. My plan is to keep it out of the closet and finish it this winter. If the winter is as long and cold as I anticipate, then I will have lots of time for hand-quilting!


1. Unknown said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I l0ve the Dear Jane quilts~they actually take me breath away at quilt shows! I will never do one in this lifetime so i will enjoy yours!!
♥ Eileen

2. Lori said...

It is beautiful and the border really compliments the blocks!! It'll be perfect for a winter hand quilting project.

3. Mary L. said...

Just lovely. I like your border.

4. Pat said...

Your top looks very nice! I"m sure you'll get it hand-quilted this winter as you'll want it totally done now that you have it done this far!

5. Barb said...

Oh so very pretty, I love, love the border, it really pulls it all together! My kind of colors in your DJ...thank you for sharing! Quilting in the winter...PERFECT! Have a great week!

6. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Beautiful, Susan. See, all you needed was a month when you weren't doing anything and you could get it done.

7. Rene' said...

Susan, job well done!!!!! Your Dear Jane quilt top is magnificent! I hope you post pictures of the hand quilting as it progresses.

8. Joyful Quilter said...

Beautiful! I love the pieced border, gives it a great finish. I can't wait to see it again after you hand quilt it.

9. Betsy said...

Susan , it is fabulous!

10. Julia said...

Wow this is going to be one amazing quilt!

11. Pat Sloan said...

Good for you! Someday I'll put what I have together!

12. Lou and Kathy said...

I think this is my all time favorite, just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I look at it. Although the quilt show was fantastic, somehow, I like the simple designs.

You all can be very proud of your showings.

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