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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Jane Inspiration

It was over two years ago when our guild began the Laurel Janes, a Dear Jane support group. Several members have completed their quilts and there are two full size Dear Jane quilts and one wall hanging on display in this year's exhibit. I decided long ago that I would not be making the full size quilt, but even with that, my progress has been painfully slow. After seeing these beautiful quilts hanging in all their glory, I have a renewed determination to finish my Dear Jane project. Yesterday at the monthly meeting of the Laurel Janes I finally finished the pieced border that I have been working on! Now to get the borders sewn on and get the top sandwiched, so I can start hand-quilting it. Yes, I said "hand-quilting", so don't expect to see my Dear Jane finished anytime soon, but maybe (just maybe) I might be able to get it done for the 2012 exhibit!


1. Melinda said...

Thanks for showing the Dear Janes. I have about 50 blocks made and have decided I really don't like the fabric. I need to make a small quilt and move on to a version I really like.

2. Terry said...

Those quilts are just beautiful! I saw one in person at the quilt show in Columbus in June and it truly was amazing! :0)

3. Millie said...

Those quilts are beautiful. And to think the blocks are so small and the quilt so big...must have take them years.

4. Jackie's Stitches said...

The DJ quilts are amazing. I may do the same thing as you and do a mini version.

5. quiltingnana said...

I've always admired the Dear Janes...glad yours is well on its way

6. Needled Mom said...

A DJ is on my "bucket list" I think they are stunning and quite the challenge. Those are truly gorgeous quilts that you ahve shown.

7. Mary L. said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

8. andsewon said...

Those DJ's are something else for sure! I am sure yours will be awesome as well.
I like looking at them but have never had the desire to make one.
Thanks so much for sharing this show with us!

9. Barb said...

Those are beautiful and what an inspiration! good luck with yours!

10. Peggi Yac said...

Your border is looking good! You'll be quilting it in no time...

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