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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One Down...

I have one quilt finished and ready for my guild's upcoming exhibit! Naturally, it's the smallest of the three that I have to complete, but it's still a finish and an important one at that! This is actually an Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative quilt, but it will hang in the exhibit as part of the guild's AAQI Ties That Bind Competition before it is donated to Ami Simms. The one stipulation for this competition was that the quilt contain fabric from a necktie (and of course, all of the other AAQI rules also apply). The Ties That Bind quilts will be voted on by visitors to the exhibit and the maker of the quilt with the most votes will win a quilter’s gift basket. At the close of the exhibit all of the Ties That Bind quilts will be donated to AAQI to help raise money for Alzheimer’s research which makes AAQI the real winner of this competition!


1. Needled Mom said...

Everyone is a winner in those projects. Way to go!

2. Diane said...

good job!

3. Lori said...

Your little quilt is wonderful and going to such a worthy cause. Yay for your group!!

4. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I love it. What a great idea and a great cause.


5. Rene' said...

Susan, Needled Mom is right...everyone is a winner. From the bit of the quilt I can see, it looks fantastic. Love the rich colors. What a great exhibit/competition for your guild to host!

6. quiltingnana said...

great job for a great cause

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, I LOVE this whole idea . . . I do hope you'll take lots of photos when the quilts are hung so the rest of us can see!!

How wonderful!

8. Joyful Quilter said...

Very Contemporary! I can't wait to see the next two.

9. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

My mom has Alzheimer's. Thanks for participating in this.

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