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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting Closer

The Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild's exhibit is getting closer...the gala opening is just one week from today! I have been hand stitching feverishly on my entries and I am happy to say that all of the bindings are finished. Now on to the hanging sleeves and labels...


1. Lori said...


2. Needled Mom said...

Great work. Wish I could see the show.

3. Julia said...

I love the colors you used in this quilt. I always like your color combos, though. Pretty and happy!

4. Joanne Lendaro said...

Pretty fabrics in this quilt.

5. Chartreuse Moose said...

Done good! Love those bold colors!

6. Cheryl said...

Looks like 3 quilts in this picture ,love the colors ,I can't wait to see pic's of the show.

7. Diane said...

good for you!!

8. quiltingnana said...

hope you post pictures of the show

9. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Ooh. Like that curved binding. Pretty fancy.

10. Anonymous said...

Well done Susan love the bright border fabric on the right. I hope you win something. I've just been to my 1st quilt show. Amazing and inspiring.

11. Janet said...

Good going, you're definitely going to be ready and then we can enjoy some photos.

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