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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Barn Quilt vs. Poison Ivy

I spotted this barn quilt as we were traveling Route 6 just outside of Smethport, PA last weekend and begged my husband to stop so I could take a photo of it for "the blog". Yes, even my husband understands the importance of a good blog photo opportunity, so he quickly pulled over to the side of the road. I opened the Jeep door and noticed that he had parked in an enormous patch of poison ivy! I'm all for getting the perfect blog photo, but not at the expense of spending a week itching incessantly! I quickly closed the door and claimed that a photo from inside the Jeep would be just fine, so the barn quilt photo isn't exactly what I hoped to capture, but at least I'm not itching!


1. Pat said...

I think it's a great photo and I don't blame you for not wanting to stand in that poison ivy patch. I've never seen a barn quilt "in person"...only in pictures....would love to see one someday!

2. Karen said...

Self preservation is more important than photos for the blog! Good choice!

3. andsewon said...

Love the barn quilt pic...glad you did not step in the poison!

4. Lori said...

I love the little horse on the barn too!!
So glad you noticed the poison ivy. I'm not sure if I'd know it if i saw it.

5. Needled Mom said...

Gorgeous block. I am glad that you didn't step in that poison ivy patch.

6. Terry said...

Great picture! Don't even mention poison ivy! I can get it from 50 feet away! LOL

7. Cheryl said...

I agree with Lori ! I Love the barn too!

8. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Nothing is worth the risk of getting poison ivy. Sure am glad you noticed it.

9. Mrs Quilty said...

Great Photo! Wonder why it was hanging there.....sure glad you spotted the poison ivy before you got out! Excitement for quilty things sometimes makes us leap before we think!

10. quiltingnana said...

great photo.....understand your position on poison ivy and congratulate you on your observation skills...me, I would have carelessly jumped out of the car, taken the photo, and suffered for a week

11. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Good thing you have sharp eyes!

12. Gypsy Quilter said...

Yummm! Where would we be without grandma's!

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