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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Just Like Riding A Bike!

It has been so long since I have done any quilting with my Juki machine and Grace frame (June 6th according to my blog!) that I was afraid that I might have forgotten how to use it! Quilting must be just like riding a bike, because as soon as I turned on the power I was quilting again! Now to see if I still remember how to put on binding...


1. Anonymous said...

it all boils down to just finding that rhythm...

2. Anya said...

Of course you remember how to quilt...but will you remember that you have a meeting this evening?...

3. Diane said...

good to know I think I'm probably safer behind the machine than on a bike these days tho'!

4. Pat said...

It looks GREAT to me!

5. Barb said...

I am sitting here with envy...glad you got some sewing time with your juki...

6. Anonymous said...

One of these days I am going to learn how to do that! I really need to look and find a class on free motion quilting. Maybe YOU could teach me!

7. Lori said...

Haha, not too long ago I attached the binding on the back instead of the front!

8. Janet said...

You must be pretty comfortable with the machine. I love the dotty fabric. Have fun with the binding, I always have to think about it because I don't get quilts finished very often.

9. Cheryl said...

So Glad you was able to do some quilting with the juki machine ,it is my dream to have one someday !
Hope you made it to the meeting !

10. busyascanbe said...

It look so good to me!

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