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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A "New" Use For Ric-Rac

We're starting the process of sorting through my husband's aunt's belongings. It's going to be a long and difficult job, but we are discovering many little treasures along the way, which makes the task a little easier. Hazel was well known for her beautiful crocheted lace and she has quite a collection of dresser scarves and doilies. This dresser scarf caught my attention when I noticed that she used ric-rac as a foundation for the crocheted lace! Pretty ingenious, don't you think?


1. Betsy said...

I used to crochet the edges of my napkins and I would have never thought of using ric rack. What a wonderful idea.

2. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

This is so precious and pretty! I wish I knew how to copy the crochet with the rickrack. I love the old-time stuff; I hope people think the same about mine in another 50 years.

3. free indeed said...

My sympathies over the loss of your hubby's aunt. There are just some things that get lost with the past generation. Glad you are finding nuggets among her things to remember her by. THat IS an ingenius way to do that! Very pretty too.

4. quiltingnana said...

that is beautiful and so clever

5. Lori said...

What a great idea. It's a beautiful textile too!!

6. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

She was a smart little cookie. Her embroidery looks just perfect. I love all the blue.

7. Needled Mom said...

What a great idea. Her work is fabulous.

8. Jean said...

Interesting, do you suppose she did that as a base for the crochet to make it more durable?

9. Barb said...

Very creative and what a sweet vintage dresser cloth, a treasure for sure! It appears to be in beautiful condition too, making a difficult task just a tad easier! Times like this always tug at the heartstrings!

10. Chartreuse Moose said...

Interesting! I wonder if she crocheted the rickrack before or after it was added to table scarf? Clever, and nothing seen before!

11. Jackie's Stitches said...

What an ingenious idea! I have a couple of embroidered pillowcases from my grandmother and I just love them. I know your aunt would be pleased to know that you find them special.

12. Joyful Quilter said...

How interesting, creative and very pretty...I love old embroidery and crocheted pieces. I have a pillow case set one of my great aunts made and gave to me for my sixteenth birthday. They are still a treasure to me.

13. Marie Rayner said...

It is absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful legacy.

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