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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quilt Therapy

I was in desperate need of some stress management the other day, so I decided to load this disappearing nine-patch on the frame just so I could quilt a few rows. Before I knew it, two hours had passed and the quilting was done! I followed up with a bit of therapeutic hand stitching on the binding. In no time the quilt was finished and I was feeling MUCH better! There really isn't anything better for relieving stress than spending a little time with a needle and thread.


1. Pat said...

Oh...I SO agree!!! LOVE that quilt, too...such bright, pretty colors!!!

2. Jackie's Stitches said...

It's a cute, happy quilt and probably just what you needed!

3. Needled Mom said...

There is nothing like a little quilting therapy. Looks great.

4. Janet said...

How true your words are. Great job and a very cheerful quilt.

5. Lori said...

I agreee!! What a terrific quilt.

6. Terry said...

It's so pretty! I love it! :0)

7. Angie said...

Quilting Therapy is the best - especially straight lines where the time just seems to pass by. It is the reason why I quilt.

8. Joyful Quilter said...

And how could you be stressed working on such a bright cheerful quilt.

9. Barb said...

WOW that is a stress reliever for sure...love the colors, brings a smile just looking at it! I love doing bindings...especially when stress is bearing down on me! It is relaxing for me, just the slide of the needle thru the fabric does it for me! Have a great week, hopefully less stress!

10. Marie Mc Callion said...

love the colours in your quilt your a very talented lady indeed

11. Marie Mc Callion said...

love the quilt the colours are great nothing like quilt therapy to cheer you up

12. Vivian said...

No argument from me--needle + thread + fabric = stress reduction.
Love those bright fabrics.

13. Julia said...

What a beautiful and bright, happy quilt!

14. Monica said...

What vibrant colors. Great quilt.

15. Diane said...

fun quilt! I'm always amazed at how time flies when I'm quilting.

16. Millie said...

Oh...what a happy quilt! Love it in the bright colors.

17. Quiltdivajulie said...

Good for you ... like Mary Lou Weidman's quilt says "I feel like a witch when I don't get to stitch" ...

GREAT colors!

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