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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Scrappy Harmony

Just 15 minutes into Gyleen Fitzgerald's Learn to Quilt with Scraps online class and I've already learned an awesome trick for picking fabrics for scrap quilts.  Gyleen likens choosing fabrics for a quilt to putting together a choir.  Every good choir needs a soloist and a harmonizer, as does a quilt.  My choir fabrics are on the left, the harmonizer is in the center, and the soloist is on the right.  Red, white and blue are pretty safe color choices and not out of my comfort zone at all, but I want to actually use my precut scraps and make another quilt for Lap Robes for Veterans while reviewing this class.  Multitasking scrappy harmony!

To learn more about Gyleen's method of selecting fabrics you find her Learn to Quilt with Scraps: Stash to Treasure class at www.anniescatalog.com

1 comment:

1. Needled Mom said...

It sounds like a fun study. Enjoy!

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