Heaven Sent is a non profit started by my friend, Barb Gaddy. Their mission is to assist grief recovery by providing Pitter
Patter swaddling and keepsake blankets through their Pitter Patter Funeral Home
Partnering Program, to bereft mothers who have suffered natural pre-term or
infant loss under the age of one year, promoting grief healing and recovery by
creating a bond for the surviving mother to her lost child, offering tangible
proof that the baby was real and existed, delivering comfort and security that
the baby was a precious addition and significant loss to the surviving family,
and solidifying the birth space the baby occupies within the family structure,
guaranteeing that the baby will never be forgotten.
When I learned about what Barb was doing with Heaven Sent, I had to volunteer to help in some way. I don't have an embroidery machine, so Barb sent me an embroidered center and I stitched together the blanket and keepsake quilt. Just a yard of fabric and an hour or so of my time will hopefully bring a little comfort to a grieving mother and father. If you would like to help or learn more about Heaven Sent visit their website pitterpatterbabiesmatter.org or go to Bejeweled Quilts by Barb.
About Me

- Susan
- I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.
Monday, March 7, 2016
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Thank you for this. I was a godmother to such a baby and can attest to the feelings of devastation and loss when such a death occurs.
I see we have great friends in common. Sounds like an excellent program.
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