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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Meandering Along

I used to feel guilty for not doing a lot of fancy quilting on my quilts, but not anymore.  To be honest, I don't particularly enjoy the quilting process. I would much rather just piece tops and stitch bindings, but if I only piece tops, I end up with a mountain of unfinished quilts and I don't get a chance to do many bindings. Most of my quilts are made to be used and aren't show pieces, so I've given myself permission to meander when I can!  I'm pretty sure that one day I'll be remembered as the lady who meandered all of her quilts, but at least they are all going to be finished quilts and that's what is important, right? 


1. Gene Black said...

Meandering is just fine! A finished quilt is better than a UFO.

2. Renea said...

I meander or stipple my quilts all of the time. Sometimes I will do loops but my favorite quilting method is meandering. I see no problem with using this method of quilting. I make my quilts to used also and that is what I tell everyone, please use this quilt don't hide it in a closet.

3. Brenda said...

Better that Meander lady than the UFO lady! I'm terrible at meandering, so that's not my go-to quilting motif, but I'm all for getting stuff done and given away.

4. Needled Mom said...

I'm a meanderer too unless it is a really small piece.

5. Jean said...

I like meandering. and basically, it's quilted so that's all that matters.

6. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I also meander almost all of my quilts. First of all it is the most evenly distributed filler that isn't distracting when looking at the piecing pattern. I don't feel guilty or feel any need to apologize either.

7. Terry said...

I don't enjoy the quilting either. Your meandering looks great though...I can't even do that yet.

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