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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 28, 2012

What Happened To September?

I looked at the calendar this morning and thought to myself that September is almost over and then it occurred to me that I didn't have my September blocks made for the Scrappy Star Sew Along yet!  I dropped everything and ran for the sewing machine!  Whew...I now have two scrappy stars finished for September!  Maybe I should leave the mess and get October's blocks made up a couple of days early!


1. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I want to participate in the sew alongs but I'm always worried I won't get the blocks finished and then I'll just feel bad. I'm opting for a finish my UFO Along....LOL


2. Jean(ie) said...

I know... it just went... ZOOM! It's crazy.

3. Terry said...

Your blocks look great! I don't know where September went either! LOL

4. Denise :) said...

Forget what happened to September...what's happened to the first nine months of 2012?!?! Good gravy, the older I get, the faster time flies! :)

5. Jocelyn said...

I agree, September went by in a flash! The days are just zooming by.

6. Jean said...

I don't know where the month has gone either! It has gone by crazy fast for me too. I love the blocks you've made this month!

7. Cheryl said...

Susan I love your blocks too.
Yes Sept. sure has flow by.
Miss talking with you !

8. Needled Mom said...

I know....where are the months going????

Love the pretty stars.

9. Joanne Lendaro said...

Great looking block, congrats on the book, fleece with edge-lookin' good, what the heck did happen to September?? And your Silent Sunday photo-great as always!!

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