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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Old Dog...New Tricks!

Who says that you can't teach and old dog new tricks?  I've tried several different ways of needle turn applique in the past without a whole lot of success.  After a few sorry attempts I decided that needle turn was not for me, but last Friday I decided to give it another try with a very good teacher standing over my shoulder.  Using the techniques found in the book The New Applique Sampler by Becky Goldsmith and Linda Jenkins and a lot of coaching from my teacher, I was able to complete this appliqued heart without uttering a single swear word!  I guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks, either that or I learned this trick just in time before I officially become an old dog in a few short weeks!


1. Terry said...

Well done! It looks fabulous! I still am afraid of needlturn! LOL

2. Joanne Lendaro said...

Looks good! I took a mini class with someone from our guild, and it's a very time consuming art. Not sure I've got the time/patience at this point. lol!!

3. Anonymous said...

Well done! I've tried a few times myself with frustration. I envy those who can!

4. ktquilts said...

Yeah! Thanks for the inspiration to keep on learning!

5. Denise :) said...

Great job!! I've struggled with needle-turned applique myself, which is a shame, because I love applique! I've resorted to the hexie/template method, which works well for me -- but it's a lot slower because of the extra steps. I'll have to check out your book. Thanks! :)

6. evelyn said...

Looks great! Needle turn frustrates me too. I wonder if the missing ingredient has been "patience" ?

7. Needled Mom said...

I have decided that I do NOT like applique....period!!!!! Yours look great though. Must be that you beat the "old dog"!!!!!

8. MamaT said...

It's a great book from which to learn. Good pictures. Unfortunately, I just heard that it's out of print. Glad you found a method that works for you!

9. MamaT said...

It's a great book from which to learn. Good pictures. Unfortunately, I just heard that it's out of print. Glad you found a method that works for you!

10. Jean said...

That turned out nice. I have only tried it once and it was just too persnickety for me.

11. Holly said...

Needle turn appliqué is addicting!

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