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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, November 1, 2010

To Infinity And Beyond!

Our Marine, daughter-in-law and the lil' cowboy have finally settled in their new home and the best news is that they are now only a short 4 hour drive from our home!  Which means that Mama and Papa are close enough to go down and visit every now and then!  This coming weekend we will be on babysitting duty, but it's been a couple of months since we have seen the lil' cowboy, so I thought it might be nice to take a little something along in case he has (*gasp*) forgotten us.  From what I hear, the best way to make friends with the lil' cowboy these days is through Buzz Lightyear, so when I found this flannel I knew I had to make him a quilt.  He loves his blankies, so no doubt a Buzz Lightyear quilt will get us back in his good graces in no time! 


1. Anonymous said...

He is going to absolutely, positively, most definitely LOVE that blanket! And don't worry Mama, he hasn't forgotten you two! He points out your pictures and goes "Mama! Papa!" :o) He is going to be so tickled to see you this weekend!

2. Lori said...

I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you and his new blankie!!

3. Cheryl said...

He is gonna love it !! You have a very cute little grandson ,I love the cowboy costume she made him .
Hope you have a great time with him this weekend, enjoy.

4. Barb said...

I am pretty sure that the "lil cowboy" has not forgotten you, but the Buzz Lightyear will surely make an impression. Enjoy your time together!

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