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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

The Buzz Lightyear quilt is quilted, bound and ready for take off!
I think this is the fastest I have ever completed a quilt, but I haven't done anything else this week either.  It was a bit of a challenge to get it done in time, but I think the real challenge will be finishing everything else that I need to have done before we leave!  Laundry, a bit of cleaning, packing...let the countdown begin!


1. Elizabeth Ann said...

You did good! - cleaning can always be done or maybe not :)
Have a fun trip....

2. Jean said...

this turned out so cute! Cleaning is overrated...anything that has to be done over and over can be skipped now and then!

3. Terry said...

It looks great! He's gonna love it! :0)

4. Lori said...

Woo-Hoo! There's nothing like a deadline to hurry us up!!

5. Needled Mom said...

Great job!!! Somehow if you do not get everything else done it will still be there when you get back. Sigh!!!

6. Barb said...

Love it...love the colors...love how you have displayed it. I am sure the Lil Cowboy will really love it forever! Enjoy your visit, and the work will wait for you to get back home!

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