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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I have been fighting a sinus infection and finally broke down and went to the doctor on Tuesday. I came home with several bottles of pills and a promise that I would start feeling better in a couple of days. With that bit of good news, I prewashed some flannel, so I would be all set to start working on a new quilt once I started feeling better. I don't know how well you can see in the photo, but antibiotics and decongestants weren't the only pills that I got this week. All of the other flannels came out of the wash beautifully, but the white flannel (which was washed alone) came out covered in pills! It really gripes me that quilt shop quality fabric preformed this way, but I'm happy that I discovered it before it was sewn into the quilt!


1. Pat said...

Hope you feel better soon. My daughter has been battling sinus problems for two weeks ON an antibiotic and had to go back to the doctor today as she isn't any better...and is actually worse. *sigh*

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

Take care and feel better soon.

Re flannel - try washing it again with a large bath towel. Sometimes the tumbling of the two together will help reduce the pills (and then, sometimes not). Worth a try!

3. ktquilts said...

Bummer, just when you least feel like getting out and getting more fabric. Take it back if you can, they should see it. They may not want to sell stuff like that, and might not know.
About the other pills, the older I get, the more antibiotics I am allergic to...bummer

Hope you are feeling better soon!!

4. andsewon said...

Oh dear..sorry about your illness and the flannel.
I agree take it back for them to see.

5. Julia said...

I hope you feel better very soon. A sinus infection can really get you down. I hate it when fabric pills like that!

6. Hazel said...

Yes take it back I would be upset to .Feel better there seems to be something going around everyone I know has had it .

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Well take ALL your pills and rest and drink lots of water and get better soon!

8. Lori said...

That is anooying! I always thought it was the cheapo fabric that did that!!
Get well soon!

9. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Hope you will feel better soon!

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