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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Felting

Fall and felting just seem to go together, so when I saw several different felted pumpkins on Ravelry I just had to try and make one!  For the pumpkin itself I used the Miniature Felted Pumpkin Pattern from Wool Windings.  I followed the pattern exactly, but for some reason I could not get my stitch count to match the pattern.  I'm not sure if it was something that I was doing wrong or if it is a pattern error, but either way it worked out just fine.  For the stem I wanted something a little more like these that I found on Knitty.com.  I modified the stem pattern a bit by using smaller needles and leaving out a few rows, so it would fit my pumpkin.  I am really happy with how the finished pumpkin turned out.  Now I think I need to make some felted acorns and felted leaves to go along with it!


1. Elizabeth Ann said...

That is way too cute! I think it would be a great giveaway just because I don't have time to make one!! Have a great weekend :)

2. Jackie's Stitches said...

So cute! Love it!

3. Needled Mom said...

Sooooo cute.

4. Rene' said...

Susan, your pumpkin is adorable!

5. Cheryl said...

This is so cute !! Looks pretty small too ,I love them small .

6. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...


7. Barb said...

How sweet, looks like you did a wonderful job creating it! Enjoy your Fall weekend!

8. Ava K said...

Very cute Susan!

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