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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

4 - Layer Cake Quilt

The pattern that I used for this charity quilt is called 4 - Layer Cake. I still haven't figured out why it's called a 4 layer cake because it only uses 1 layer cake to make a nice sized throw. For those of you who aren't familiar with layer cakes of the fabric variety, they consist of 40 - 10" squares from a collection of fabrics...very pretty and zero calories! I made my own layer cake from scratch for this quilt using scrap plaids, but even without the pre-cut layer cake it still went together very fast and easy!


1. Barb said...

Your quilt turned out sooooooooooo wonderful!

2. Terry said...

What a pretty quilt! I love plaids! :0)

3. Needled Mom said...

Great colors too!

4. Julia said...

Another great quilt. Where do you store all of these wonderful creations of yours?

5. Ariane said...

I love it!! It looks wonderful!!!

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