About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let The Addiction Begin!!

My friend, Deb, at The Angel and the Pukeko makes the most amazing quilts with beautifully hand embroidered blocks as well as other projects decorated with hand embroidery. Not long ago, I mentioned to her how much I admire her embroidery skills and that I wished that my "talent" in that area wasn't so lacking. She assured me that it wasn't that hard and with a little practice anyone could do it, so look at what she sent to me in the mail to practice with! In the envelope were three wonderful stitchery kits along with a lovely note that starts with "Let the addiction begin!!" Hmm...I wonder how many thread related addictions a girl can have and still keep up with all that needs doing around the house?


1. Deb said...

It's all downhill from here Susan, next it will be the lovely quilts by Leanne Beasley with all of the stitched blocks in them !! Don't worry I have the patterns for those to and am always willing to share!!!!! hehe

2. Barb said...

Now that is a good friend ~ HAVE FUN! Be sure to share pics of your projects! Stitching has so many avenues!

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