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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another Finished Quilt

The cowboy quilt is finally finished! Anya did a beautiful job quilting loops and stars over the whole quilt. (I am so fortunate to have a friend who I can talk into quilting the patterns that I wouldn't dream of trying myself!) I used the same red bandanna print from the vertical stripes for the binding and I'm really pleased with the end result! Now I can box it up and ship it off to NC, so it will be ready and waiting for the new grandbaby when he arrives!


1. Barb said...

What a great job with the quilt ~ you both deserve to have *pats* on your backs! Keep on quilting, I like it!

2. Karen said...

You both did a great job. Just love it and I'm sure the baby will too!.

3. Anya said...

Your design and color/fabric choices made the quilt great fun to work on!

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