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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Last week I stopped at the local thrift store hoping to find a nice second hand sewing machine for a new quilter.  I don't normally look twice at an old sewing machine unless it is a Singer, but this lonely Kenmore was the only one in the shop.  The gal working at the front counter had no idea if it worked or not, so she said I could take it home and try it and if it worked I could come back and make a donation for it.  Deal!  I cleaned it all up, gave it a few drops of oil, put in a new needle and that was all it took to get it stitching.  I couldn't get the zigzag stitches to work because of a stripped gear, but it has a beautiful straight stitch and really that's all it takes to make a quilt.  I even put it to the test and pieced a Quick Strippie quilt top with it in a little bit of no time!  It may be old, but it still has a lot of get up and go!  I think it will do nicely for a starter machine.


1. Brenda said...

I did the same thing last week -- found a Janome of similar vintage at a thrift shop and worked on it a bit and tested out the stitches, and then sold it to a new sewist. she was happy to have a reasonably priced machine and I was happy to find her one.

2. Needled Mom said...

I'll bet it is a real workhorse too.

3. evelyn said...

Good find! I have a 1970's Kenmore. It is a real workhorse. Also have a newer Janome, but I wouldn't give up the old Kenmore for anything.

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