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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Quilter's Block

Quilter's block is different from a quilt block.  Quilter's block is defined as a condition in which a quilter loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown.  Yep, that's what I have...quilter's block.  There's been nothing happening in my sewing room for over a week.  No planning, no cutting, no stitching.  Well that's not exactly true, I did mend the hem on a towel, but I don't think that counts much in the creativity department.  Help me get out of this slump...what do you do when quilter's block strikes?


1. Ellen T. said...

I can relate! My quilter's block time is on the way out.

2. stitchinpenny said...

May I suggest just playing with some scraps without a plan. Be a 5 year old with no knowledge of right or wrong in quilting and go. Ideas will happen.

3. Mary said...

I'm convinced that when we experience these "quiet" times, our subconscious is hard at work. I predict a burst of energy in your future.

4. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I cut scraps into usable sizes when I'm between projects. Sometimes I'll just sew triangles into squares with random pairing. Ideas come while you are doing this busy work. Meanwhile you are preparing for a scrap quilt in the future.

5. Needled Mom said...

Oh no!!! I hope it is not contagious.

6. Lane said...

Sometimes, I just need a rest. And, that's okay. But, if a block lasts too long, I'll indulge myself with a new project. But,mostly, I use it as a chance to clear away the clutter. Sometimes, I just need a fresh view to feel creative. Good luck! I'm sure it will pass. Lane

7. Sewing Sue said...

Once or twice a year I am just not moved to be creative. It's usually because I need a rest. Sometimes it's because I'm doing something 'uncrafty' (like my job...) that requires all my concentration. If I go into my sewing room and start ORGANIZING my stuff I will often unearth something that kicks the 'on' switch back into place. Rest. You deserve it! P.S. -- a little girlfriend time could be just the ticket too, or a road trip to a fabric store with lots of displays...

8. Betsy said...

I work on a different project like beading or gardening. Maybe you just need someone to make something for? My son and his fiancé just moved in together so now I'm on full speed sewing and quilting while a few weeks ago I just beaded. Hope this helps

9. Jean said...

Lots of good suggestions here! I like to look through old quilt magazines for inspiration. Many times there were projects I wanted to make "sometime" and now might be the time. Often, just looking at pretty things gets me in the mood. Quilt shop hopping also gets the creative juices flowing!

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