About Me

- Susan
- I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
The snow is finally starting to melt around here, but it still doesn't look much like spring. Everything outside is still a dirty muddy brown (including my car) so I decided I needed a colorful project to work on. I pulled out the brightest yarn I could find and decided it would make a fun pair of baby socks!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Mystery Solved!
The mystery has been solved and finished! Odds, Ends and Leftovers was the perfect name for this mystery quilt! I think there are bits and pieces from almost every quilt that I have made in the past 7 or 8 years in this quilt...which is why I love it so much! Most of the scraps in this quilt came from quilts that have been given away long ago, so it was nice to remember them all while making this quilt. I'll be keeping this quilt for myself!
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I was finally giving in to the idea of selling some of the things that I make at a local shop. One thing has led to another and I now have an Etsy shop of my own. My main goal is to sell a few things here and there to keep my spare room from filling up with excess quilts and blankets and maybe I can make just enough money to support my fiber habit in the process! For those who are interested, you can find a link to my shop, Mama's Needle and Thread, in the sidebar to the right or by clicking HERE.
Monday, March 16, 2015
As Long As The Seam Ripper Was Out...
As I was ripping the hand quilting out of my dear jane quilt I remembered another quilt that I had started hand quilting years ago that was tucked away in a tote in the attic. I started this quilt made of thrift store shirts long before Bonnie Hunter made it cool to turn old clothes into quilts again. It was also started when I was a novice quilter...the heavy backing and too thick batting were not ideal for hand quilting, so it's no surprise that I never wanted to finish it. A few more ripped stitches, a different batting, along with my trusty Juki machine and I should have this quilt finished in no time at all!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Good Intentions
At the first of the year I resolved that I was going to finish hand quilting my Dear Jane quilt in 2015. I had good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions! Yes, I was paving the road to hell by forcing myself to hand quilt this quilt! I was halfheartedly working on it Wednesday during our weekly sewing group and doing quite a bit of grumbling about how I am not a hand quilter. I made the comment that if I just ripped out the little bit that I had hand quilted I could put it on the quilt frame and have it done in no time. My friends all agreed by saying if I wasn't enjoying the process, why continue? Good point! I immediately began ripping!
Monday, March 9, 2015
I'm Not Ignoring You!
I have noticed that I'm only getting email notifications for some of the comments left on my blog posts. All of the settings appear to be set correctly, so I'm guessing that it's a compatibility problem between Blogger and some email providers. For those who have commented and not received a response, I'm not intentionally ignoring you! Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon! If anyone has any idea of how I can correct the problem, please post a fix in the comment section.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
For Sale
For the past several years, both of my daughters-in-law have been trying to talk me into selling some of the things that I make. I've thought about the idea off and on, but I've always been a bit hesitant for one reason or another. To make a long story short, I gave in to the pressure this week and agreed to try selling a few baby sets at a local store that is adding baby and children's items to their inventory. The sets in the photo are now for sale along with other handmade gift items at The Farmer's Daughters in Wellsboro, PA.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Quick Quilting Two
As I said in the previous post, I've been doing some quilting for my guild's charity group. This one was especially fun to work on with all of its fun fabrics and bright colors. It will no doubt bring a lot of joy to a little girl somewhere!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Quick Quilting
Once a month my guild holds a charity quilting day. Last month our little group put together eight quilt tops with blocks donated from guild members. I volunteered to bring a couple of those tops home to quilt and bind. I did my signature quick meander and had this quilt done in no time! Finished quilts will be donated to our local foster care program.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
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