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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Quick Quilting

Once a month my guild holds a charity quilting day.  Last month our little group put together eight quilt tops with blocks donated from guild members.  I volunteered to bring a couple of those tops home to quilt and bind.  I did my signature quick meander and had this quilt done in no time!  Finished quilts will be donated to our local foster care program.


1. Diane said...

Good job. Love your silent Sunday pics too!!!

2. Needled Mom said...

It will be loved. Nice finish for it.

3. Jean said...

Very cute quilt and I love the meandering pattern. A friend of mine has a granddaughter who told her she wanted another puzzle quilt. She wasn't sure what she meant as she hadn't made her a first puzzle quilt, then realized she meant the meandering quilting!

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