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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, March 31, 2014

I'm Sold!

A few weeks ago I put a spool of Aurifil thread on my machine to try and see if I could see what everyone was raving about.  After all thread is thread, right?  The answer to that is WRONG.  All thread is not created equal and it didn't take me long to figure out that Aurifil is much better than some of the other brands I have been using.  The most noticeable difference is that it is a much finer thread, so more thread fits on the bobbin. (I only had to change the bobbin once while piecing this whole quilt!)  A finer thread also means that seams are more accurate.  Both good enough reasons to convert me...I'm sold on Aurifil. 


1. Terry said...

I adore Aurifil thread, for the same reasons you mentioned! It's wonderful to sew with! :0)

2. Needled Mom said...

I thought the same thing until I tried Aurifil.

3. Maxine said...

Welcome to the club. I use Aurifil exclusively. It's also good for my machine--less lint or fuzz in the bobbin case works.

4. Brenda said...

For me, using it made me a convert. just last week I gave away all my non-Aurifil thread, since I don't use it anyway.

5. Jean said...

I will have to try it, haven't used it yet! Thanks!

6. Kathy P said...

I knew you'd love it! Welcome to the club!

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

I had no doubt whatsoever that you'd love it!

8. Cheryl said...

I love that thread also , it cost more but is very worth it.
I wish I had every color!!

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