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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, February 10, 2014

More Wool Socks

Our little Miss Five is now 6 months old and has already outgrown the socks that I made for her at the beginning of the winter.  There's a foot of snow on the ground, more falling from the sky, and low temperatures are predicted to remain in the single digits for the rest of the week.  Something tells me that we still have a lot more winter to go, so the baby is going to need some new heavy socks!  Thankfully I've made this sock pattern so many times, that I can make them quick and without too much thought...I'll be able to get them done long before it gets too warm for wool socks! 

1 comment:

1. Jackie's Stitches said...

I need a pair of house socks made from heavier yarn too. I hope you all stay warm and cozy up there and Miss 5 gets her socks in time!

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