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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I'm On A Mission

I started this little quilt back in March of 2011 as an experiment just to try some Crazy Nine Patch blocks.  I liked how the top turned out, but as usual for me, I promptly folded it and added it to the "quilt another day" pile (AKA mountain of UFO's). Yes, I'm on a mission...a mission to finish my UFO's!  It may take me the whole year to do it, but I have accepted the mission and I will climb that mountain! 


1. Terry said...

Good for you working to finish off your UFOs! This one is wonderful! :0)

2. Brenda said...

good for you! this is a great quilt! woo hoo for a finish!

3. Needled Mom said...

That is my goal for this year too. That looks great too.

4. Teri said...

I'm sharing your mission...and I am still on the way up the mountain. This is year 2 for me to make it to the top. I am looking forward to making it to the peak (half way point)

5. Quiltdivajulie said...

Great little quilt - congrats on the finish!!

6. MamaT said...

Go for it! A worthy mission!

7. Jean said...

This is a cute quilt. Love that you are getting so much accomplished! THe quilting on this one is interesting too, sort of imitates the crazy blocks.

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