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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Many Hands, Many Cats!

A very good friend of mine, Debbi, has a dear friend who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  I know the helpless feeling that you get when a friend receives such a diagnosis all too well.  Even though I don't know Debbi's friend, I knew that I had to make a quilt for Debbi to give to her.  Debbi's friend breeds and shows Siberian cats which means a cat quilt is definitely in order.  I am hoping to get this quilt done quickly, so once I decided on a block, I put out a call for help from my friends.  I didn't even have to beg...everyone I asked pitched in and after two short days I have more than enough blocks for the quilt! 


1. Quiltdivajulie said...

This will be a wonderful quilt . . .

2. Jean said...

It's beautiful and how nice that your friends all pitched in.

3. Millie said...

What Julie said. This is going to be wonderful. Quilts always make the most magical gifts. Nothing is better than receiving a quilt.

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