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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


With four older sisters our littlest miss doesn't have any shortage of hand-knit-hand-me-downs, but I thought she should still have a few things of her very own.  These socks are knit with self-striping yarn and because her older sisters love mismatched socks, I purposely started the second sock with a different start point in the yarn pattern, so the stripes wouldn't match.  Little Miss won't know the difference, but her older sisters will get a kick out of the fact that her socks don't match!


1. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

It's looking like Christmas gift time again. You make such nice socks...now if I could just get this crochet down...snickers.


2. Needled Mom said...

Great idea!!! I wish mismatched socks had been popular when I was raising my children as I had plenty of them. lol

3. N.C.Fabric Junkie said...

do jelouse! one of these days I am going to learn how to make socks. love that self striping yarn and you make it look sooooo easy.

4. Jean said...

They are adorable!

5. Angie said...

I love your little pink strip socks!

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