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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How To Properly Measure A Quilt Top

I bet you didn't know the proper way to measure a quilt top is to spread it out on the floor, lay down on the quilt top, and check to make sure there is plenty of extra fabric on all sides.  If you didn't know this little tidbit of information, don't feel bad...I just learned it too, thanks to our 4 year-old grandson!


1. Terry said...

That's so cute! :0)

2. Diane said...

A clever young man! Thanks for the smile to start my day!

3. andsewon said...

Wonderful way to measure! May need to borrow that sweet 'ruler' for a bit!;-)

4. Jean said...

He is a logistics person for sure!

5. Pat Merkle said...


6. Needled Mom said...

The perfect ruler!!!!

7. Millie said...

Sound eminently logical to me!

8. Kathy P said...

Not too big, not too small - it's JUST RIGHT!!!

9. Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the literal approach of kids!

10. Renea said...

When my grandson was four this is how he helped me to make sure a quilt is big enough. My grandson is now 9 yrs old. Thanks for the memory. Made me smile this morning!

11. Holly said...

I just love this!

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