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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Another Ruffle Scarf

I have knit more than a few ruffle scarves over the past year, but this is the first one that I have knit using Rozetti Flora yarn.  This is by far the simplest to use ruffle yarn that I have ever worked with.  It unravels easily and there's no certain hole to knit into...just measure one and a half inches and make your stitch!  This particular color (rust) has a fine metallic thread running through it that adds a nice shimmer to the super soft fabric. It's going to make a great scarf!


1. Needled Mom said...

That is going to be gorgeous. I have seen so many of the beautiful ruffle scarves this year and was thinking that I should attempt one.

2. Ann Champion said...

Your scarf is gorgeous! I haven't seen this yarn before. It's so elegant. I made one with the Sashay..where you have to knit into loops.I was surprised when it turned out. :)

3. Ann Champion said...

Your scarf is gorgeous! I haven't seen this yarn before. It's so elegant. I made one with the Sashay..where you have to knit into loops.I was surprised when it turned out. :)

4. John'aLee said...

What a beautiful scarf. Love that color!

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