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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Good For The Heart

Thanks to a trip to the hospital with an irregular heartbeat on Friday, my weekend didn't quite turn out the way I had expected.  I ended up being hooked up to a heart monitor all weekend, but I was still able to attend our guild's mini retreat on Saturday and complete two quilt tops for charity!  Honestly, what could be better for the heart than spending the day sewing for others with a room full of friends anyway?


1. jovaliquilts said...

Oh my, not a fun thing to have happen. I hope you're feeling ok now. So glad you got to quilt with friends -- I think you're right, that could only be good for you!

2. Denise :) said...

That's dedicated quilting ... hooked up to a heart monitor and still making the quilt retreat! Hope that today finds all things returned to normal! :)

3. Kathy P said...

Hope everything is ok now. I went thru the same thing a couple of years ago - scary!

4. Cheryl said...

Wow! Susan ,that does sound scarey!! Hope everything is ok now .
Glad you was able to go to the Quilt Retreat,it's better to be around your friends than at home alone .
Please keep us updated .Prayers for you too!

5. andsewon said...

Hope the problem is discovered and fixed! Yes indeed that was just what the Dr ordered...sewing with pals for good!

6. Needled Mom said...

How uncomfortable was that???? Bummer, but I am glad that you got some good therapy to make you feel better.

7. Jocelyn said...

Oh my, take care! I had something like that a few years ago, and found out that I was low in magnesium. It's a great heart regulator :-)

8. MamaT said...

So sorry to hear of your scare! But you're right....what you did was good for your heart. Take care!

9. Jean(ie) said...

Hope it's just a blip and kicked to the curb... I'm glad it didn't stop you.

10. Jackie's Stitches said...

I hope all is well now and you're feeling 100%. Quilting with friends and making something for others sounds like a good thing!

11. Brenda said...

I'm sure they discovered you have a warm and big heart! take care, and hope all is well.

12. Pokey said...

It sounds like you passed the monitor time the beat way possible. Here's praying all goes well. I like your Iron caddie, too, just wanted to tell ya. Good idea on the silver pad!

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