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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Special Request

Every once in awhile it's important to put everything aside and make a quilt.  Last week I got a call from a local hospice asking if there was any way that I could make a Toy Story quilt for a 5 year-old boy in hospice care.  How could I say no?  A quick search of the local JoAnn Fabrics turned up the needed Buzz and Woody fabric and combined with the Quick Strippie quilt pattern at MaryQuilts.com I now have a finished quilt ready to go to its new owner.


1. Jean said...

That's wonderful...love the fabrics and so nice of you to do this for him.

2. LuAnn said...

What a great quilt. I know you've made someone very happy to be the new owner!

3. andsewon said...

That is so cute! Bless you for not saying no. You are one giving and special gal!

4. NeverBored said...

God Bless You! and don't you love that pattern?! I just finished making 2 charity quilts using that pattern and cute novelty fabrics. it goes together so easily, it can quickly be bringing comfort and love to someone who is needing it.

5. stitchinpenny said...

To me this is the best use of our talents. You did a great job for all the right reasons.

6. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh geez...I don't know a one of us that could have said no to that request...less we be in hospice ourselves.

Lovely quilt and I know the little one will really enjoy it.

Hugs to you!


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