Giveaway #2 |
Meet Miss Petunia, an adorable green and purple hedgehog from
Half Pint Knits! Miss Petunia is a well mannered hedgehog and would never dream of poking anyone with her quills, but her eyes and nose may not be suitable for very young children. Miss Petunia is a tiny little gal (5 inches long and 3 inches tall) and she loves to take long naps, so she comes along with her very own matching quilted nap mat that I made especially for her. Would you like to give Miss Petunia a home? Just leave a comment below telling me what kind of knitted critter would make a good friend for a lonely little hedgehog.
I'll draw a winner on Saturday, May 26 using the Random Number Generator. The
winner will be notified by email, so if you are a
no-reply blogger make
sure that you leave your e-mail address with your comment.
Half Pint Knits Etsy Shop to find more hand-knit items for children of all ages!
Don't forget to check out all of the other fantastic giveaways this week at
Sew, Mama, Sew!
Love the hedgehog - how about a turtle to go with it?
I think the hedgehog needs a little skunk as a friend since both can be a little off-putting.
That is adorable!! A little skunk or fox would be a great friend. Or a chipmunk! Although a squirrel would have a great opportunity for a big bushy tail! Thanks for the giveaway!
That is so adorable. I think he needs a squirrel friend with a big, fluffy tail.
I love the hedgehog and the little blanket is just beautiful too. I think a little bird would be a very good friend to a hedgehog as she could fly up ahead and make sure the way was safe for her little friend.
Hmmm. love the hedgie. A good friend would be something completely different from the hedgehog...maybe an owl?
maybe a possum?
I think a sqirrel, owl, or a possum would be good friends for such a cute hedgehog!
I choose a mouse to accompany him!!
We have several crocheted turtles hanging around the house that my daughter made and I think they would get along well with the hedgehog.
I love her! I think the skunk would be a great companion.
How abouy a meercat, he could be lookout for trouble.
Are you kidding me? He is DARLING all on his own! I bet he would look super cute sitting next to a black and white RACCOON!!
I noticed someone said meercat... I'll second that.
She's just precious! I think she needs a beaver friend. :) [Great opportunity for felting the tail].
It needs a little brother or little sister to go with it. It's all about family!!
A squirrel! So fun!! She's adorable! Thx!!
How about an owl or fox?? I think they go together...LOVE it
I say a little mouse
i think a hedgehog would hang out with a fox...
How about a skunk, or a fox! Maybe an owl would be cute!
This hedgehog is so cute! My son is sitting next to me, freaking out, saying he wants to hold it! Lol.
Oh, so cute! I think a squirrel would be appropriate!
how darling! He needs a friend, such as an ardvaark or anteater, don't you think?
he's so cute, I think he'd like a snail friend with a big shell..
She's really cute. Maybe she'd like a duck as a friend.
I think a hedgehog would be great with a bluebird.
What a cute hedgedhog! How about a little owl to keep him company?
Cute Hedgehog would love to win.
Adorable!! I think a cute little bunny rabbit would be a good friend to the hedgehog, though someone else's idea of a squirrel is also great!
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com
So cute - how about a pink monkey? a pink sock monkey?
I think a badger would make a great friend.
I think a little hedgehog would be a great friend for a turtle.
I Love the hedge Hog , he is so cute with the purple looking fur , I think a cute little brown bunny rabbit with extra long ears would be really cute with this with a purple bow. Thank you for the chance of this giveaway !
I think a mouse!
What about a bushy tailed squirrel?
A little possum friend would be perfect! :)
Love hedgehogs! Grew up with Beatrix Potter and one of Peter Rabbits friends was Mrs. Tiggy Winkles, a hedgehog. So, how about a sweet (or naughty!) bunny?
Oh how cute!!! We used to have a Real hedgehog and he always loved our dog so I would say a mini puppy. :)
Maybe the hedgehog could be friends with a llama or a donkey. If he wants a friend his own size....a bunny or squirrel???
I agree with some of the others... a squirrel would make a lovely friend. Such a cute little project!
oh! a little owl! :)
Thanks for your giveaway!
lindsay723 (at) gmail (dot) com
how absolutely adorable!! i think she (surely that cute little purple darling is a she) needs a ladybug friend. thanks for the opportunity and have a great day
A butterfly comes to mind. They're kind of opposites, but you could easily incorporate so many colors!
Gorgeous little hedgehog. I think he would like to have a squirrel friend -two little cuties together.
A hedgehog needs a cute little skunk friend!
Perhaps a snake or a rabbit. Very cute.
Perhaps a fox or a bunny? Thanks for the chance.
I know they normally eat them but I think that Miss Petunia needs a snail to share her mat and listen to her dreams.
I love this hedgie and she would fit in very well on my sewing table. She could keep me company as I sew and help me with my colours and designs.
Thanks for the adorable giveaway!
I think a turtle would be an adorable partner. He could ride around on his shell, haha!
maybe a little raccoon ... it's really cute! thanks for the chance!
I think it would be darling to have a caterpillar for a friend of this little adorable hedgehog.
A pig would be the perfect partner!
How about a cute little owl?? Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
I think a hard-shelled critter would make a good friend for a hedgehog - perhaps an armadillo?
Love the colors and the matching quilt for the little hedgehog! Does the hedgehog need family to go with it? Thank you for the chance to win momto3inil at gmail dot com
So cute! I used to do educational programs in a museum with a real hedgehog! A flying squirrel would make a great friend. They are both shy! irw@hughes.net
The hedgehog is adorable. How about a rabbit for a friend?
My granddaughter has a pet hedgehog and I would love to win this for her. I think a squirrel would be a great friend! Ginny
How cute! I think a burrowing bunny would be a great friend for him. Thanks for an adorable giveaway. Jane
I think the hedgie could use a little pink mouse friend to share the quilt. Super cute! Love hedgehogs.
Oh my gosh ~ that is just the cutest little hedgehog. And in my favorite color too. It would be VERY hard for me to part with that (IF I CAN) but I would love to win this and pass it on to my adorable little Granddaughter.
What's really funny after reading some other comments as I scrolled down to the box to make my own comment was that I saw many others saying the same as me. The very first thing that came to mind when you asked for a little buddy for Petunia was a cute little skunk. The black and white would be great with the colors you've chosen to make Petunia out of.
How about a porcupine, to keep things "sharp"? Love this little one!
I think a skunk would be adorable or maybe a little masked raccoon. This little gal is so cute!
I think a squirrel would be the perfect friend :)
Another hedgehog, of course!
prhill54 (at) gmail (dot) com
A skunk friend would be cute! mjalfano19@gmail.com
Thank you so much for being part of the “Sew, Mama, Sew” give-away week! I hope that you will have a chance to stop by my blog at http://kjvjames117agg.blogspot.com/2012/05/hip-hip-hooray-its-giveaway-day.html and enter my give-away for a homemade teddy bear!
I think that your hedgehog needs a little pink mole friend...with glasses!
Sweet blessings,
My 4 year old daughter is obsessed with the color purple right now so she would love this fun little friend! He is adorable! He might need a fun orange, squirrel buddy! ;-) thanks so much!
Hmm for a hedgehog I think either a skunk (already a popular suggestion I see) or a badge. :) Unless you plan on making them to scale.. then, maybe a kitten or perhaps a baby bunny? (Trying to think hedgehog size. ^_^ )
He's adorable btw. ^_^
joanna at lifeinalens.ca
We love to have Miss Petunia home with use,together with her sleeping pad,lovely colors.For her friends perfect would be squirrel and bunny.
he's very cute. I think he would love a monkey friend.
So cute! I vote for a "little" baby dinosaur.... maybe in the green color to coordinate with the purple.
OM Goodness! I cannot believe the cuteness of Miss Petunia! I have to agree with all those other comments that suggested a wee little skunk friend! Thanks for sharing :)
She is just lovely. Would have to explain the difference between hedgehogs and echidna's to my Daughter but I think she would love it.
I think a good hedgehog friend would be a rabbit.
I think she needs a mouse for a friend! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Why, another little hedgie, of course! Or maybe a ferret -- imagine the trouble those two could get into!
So cute! I think she needs a rabbit friend. As a bunny owner I looked into suitable playmates for rabbits and a hedgehog was one of them. They'd be so cute together.
Your hedgehog is so cute - I love the colors! I think that a fox or a squirrel would be really cute to go with him!
How lovely! I think a squirrel would make a great woodland friend :)
A crow would make the perfect friend for a lonely hedgehog.
A platypus! Although, I don't think I've ever seen a pattern for a knitted platypus.
He's darling! How about an owl, squirrel, possum or fish friend? Thank you, mamalusco at ortelco dot net
opossum or tiny mouse
thanks, adorable giveaway!
I think the adorable little hedgehog definitely needs a mouse friend
I love the hedgehog...very original!! She needs an owl friend to go wth her...A good owl is hard to find you know!!
Love the hedgehog. How about a pair? Or maybe a skunk. Thanks for a great giveaway.
How cute! How about a little beaver as a friend!
so cute! I think perhaps a dragonfly :) thanks for the giveaway
I think Petunia might appreciate a little friend possum :) very cute!
I think a cute little skunk would be perfect companion for a cute little hedgehog. Thanks for the chance to win!
ravensrascals (at) gmail (dot) com
I think a red squirrel would be really cute, they both make me think of the autumn for some reason :)
A hedge hog would need a cute and cuddly little rabbit friend
i think a squirrel or a fox would make nice friends for this adorable hedgehog!
ambjer (at) gmail.com
I have lots of mice in the house (not the real kind) - would they make a good companion?
I think the hedgehog needs a Skunk buddy :-)
Thanks for the chance to win,
How cute! thanks for the chance to win.
Oh I think he needs a foxy friend.. hehe
xo Steph
oh she is sooo cute!!! I think a little turtle or mouse would be just so cute! :)
I do believe she needs another hedgehog friend, in reverse colors, or maybe violet and teal..
i love the hedgie! they are a common animal in UK, so other common critters are badgers and foxes, which would make a good friend for your hedgie :)
I think Ms. Petunia would like a little bunny to keep her company.
I'm partial to dachshunds, hippos, and elephants. Thanks for the giveaway.
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