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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vintage Jelly Roll

I decided to make my Jelly Roll quilt a little different from the others by using 2 1/2" strips cut from my vintage sheet collection.  I love how the different floral prints blend together and give it a watercolor effect!  The pattern doesn't call for borders, but I thought that the top needed a little splash of color so I added a narrow pink border and then finished it off with a wider floral border.  Now to get it put on the frame and do a little quilting...


1. Anya said...

I like your idea of the borders...I was thinking mine was a bit drab. Not sure if I'll take the time to add anything to it because I still have a number of quilts to quilt before this one gets its turn. Anyway, yours looks good!

2. Terry said...

I've been thinking of doing one of these jelly roll quilts! Yours is just beautiful! I love the borders too! :0)

3. Heather said...

I've seen several of these quilts but yours is, by far, my favorite. That inner border of pink is just perfect.

4. Needled Mom said...

It looks fabulous!!! I love it. What a great use of the vintage sheets.

5. Quiltdivajulie said...

Very pretty, VERY!

6. imquilternity said...

The borders certainly make the quilt "pop" and give it that extra little sparkle. Beautiful fabric from vintage sheets...you must have a wonderful collection. It's a keeper! :)

7. Deanna said...

The narrow border is TERRIFIC! I agree with the several comments above that this might be my favorite jelly roll quilt ever.

8. Melinda said...

I love your jelly roll quilt. The vintage strips are beautiful.

9. Anonymous said...

Just love this quilt and I too agree that the border sets it off so well. I really want to use up my stash but I may have to start collecting vintage sheets.

10. Barb said...

Sweet, I do like what you have shared with us, just really blends so beautifully. Yes I agree the borders are a nice finish to the whole look. Thank you for sharing, time to dig out a Jelly Roll, or just cut up some strips...yep I like it! The secret is chosing the right Jelly Roll or fabrics, and you have!

11. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

The border keeps accentuating colors in the main body of the quilt. Perfect addition!

12. Barb said...

OH....I love your quilt!!

13. Maryann said...

Beautiful! This one caught my eye in the picture of all on the deck.
Good work- as usual.

14. Joanne Lendaro said...

very pretty...love those 1600 quilts, quick and easy!!

15. Julie B. said...

I agree - the pink borders really makes it sing!

16. Unknown said...

I love this, that border print is one of my favorite sheets ever!

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