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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Texture Quilts

The Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild begins it's new year at the September meeting with a whole new slate of officers.  For the next two years I'll will be the Outreach Chairperson and will be heading up all of the guild's charity projects.  I'm excited about this new position and I have several new ideas for how our guild can help people in our community through quilting.
Our first project will be making Texture Quilts.  Not only are these quilts needed by our local nursing homes for patients with dementia or those who are vision impaired, but they will be great stash busters for guild members!  Any fabric with texture or bold patterns can be used in these quilts.  Corduroy, fleece, terrycloth, sateen, seersucker, brocade, lace, flannel, chenille...as long as it can be washed and dried it can be used in these quilts! I made this Texture Quilt as a sample and I was surprised to find that I had so many fabrics that aren't found in quilt shops in my stash!  I think with the help of the guild that we will come up with some very interesting quilts for our local nursing homes!


1. Janet said...

Have fun in your new position, It sounds like a good job to have. Great idea making the texture quilts, I think I have quite a few non traditional quilting fabrics too in my stash.

2. evelyn said...

Sounds like they picked the right person for the job! So many people forget about nursing home residents-out of sight, out of mind. Some have no family visiting, and nothing "new" in their smaller world. I LOVE your texture quilt. Great idea!
I have 2 new babies in the family, and think this would be a great idea for a floor quilt as well.

3. Anonymous said...

What a gratifying position you will have for the quild. Ours here in upstate NY works with a battered women's shelter providing necessities and quilts. What size block do you use for these texture quilts? They are a great idea for VA homes in the area.

4. Jean(ie) said...

Here's to a great guild year!!!!! I like the idea of a texture quilt. It's perfect!

5. Joanne Lendaro said...

good for you!!! I'm programs person at one guild and president in Jan at the other. These organizations needs the help of wonderful volunteers!!

6. Rene' said...

Congrats on the new position. I'm sure you will do a fabulous job! Looking forward to learning more about your ideas.

7. Jean(ie) said...

btw, I hear you got my message from Kelly...


8. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Yeah for you doing quilts for a nursing home! I've got a stack of wheelchair quilts to deliver to Mom's nursing home next week.

Keep up the good work.

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