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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Straight Forward

I just have a lot of straight forward straight line sewing to report this week with a couple of very uninteresting photos to accompany the story.  First on the list were new curtain panels and ties that my daughter-in-law had asked me to make for their bedroom.  After the curtains were finished, I moved on to making flat sheets for the lil' cowboy's new "big boy" bed.  He has lots of fitted sheets, but needed a few extra top sheets, so I cut down a large flat sheet to make two toddler bed size sheets.  Like I said, all very straight forward projects with lots of straight line sewing, but I know these curtains and sheets will make some of my favorite people very happy.


1. evelyn said...

Isn't that why we quilt. Making others happy, makes us happy!
And sewing can save sew much money, and personalize what would otherwise be an "ordinary" gift.

2. Barb said...

Oh wow.....love the curtains...

3. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Sometimes mindless sewing is fun, too. Love the curtain fabric.

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