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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One More Block

Beth of Love Laugh Quilt asked for help in making quilt blocks so she can make a quilt to send to Japan for those impacted by the recent earthquake and tsunami.  As long as I had the scrap basket out to make the Just One Star block, I thought I might as well make a block for Beth's project at the same time.  I'm not sure if Beth is still seeking block donations at this time, so if you are interested in helping with this project, you may want to contact her before making a block to send.  Another way to help would be to get together with a few quilty friends and make a quilt to send to the relief effort in Japan through Quilters Newsletter.  They are working in conjunction with Patchwork Tsushin to collect quilts of any size to be distributed to those in need.  The mailing address and other important details can be found at www.quiltersnewsletter.com/blogs/insideqn/2011/03/18/call-for-quilts-for-japan/.

1 comment:

1. Needled Mom said...

Nice block. I did mine yesterday too.

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