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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy National Quilting Day!

I found this quilt top (along with three others) at a local thrift shop.  Like most orphans, it (and its siblings) were so pitiful looking that they were hard to resist.  I just had to bring them home with me! Obviously this top was made straight from someone's scrap basket because it has every kind of fabric in it, from calicos to selvages!  Today, in honor of National Quilting Day, my plan is to finish this quilt.  Once it is finished, it will be donated to someone who needs a nice bright quilt! 


1. Lori said...

Fantastic! I'm sure teh quilt will be a bright spot for someone.

2. Andra Gayle said...

WOW! I never find things that great at my thrift shops!

3. Brenda said...

wow. that's double do-gooder thing to do! happy national quilting day.

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