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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knitted Dish Scrubbie

I do love hand knit dishcloths, so when I found this tutorial for a knitted dish scrubbie I wanted to try it right away.  The only problem was that I didn't have any tulle on hand and the nearest Joann Fabrics is over an hour drive from here, so the project would have to wait...or would it?  I started to think of something that I could use as a substitute and  it occurred to me that an onion bag is made from something similar to tulle, so why not try that?  I started cutting the bag at one end, around and around, which created a long strip of mesh about an inch wide.  One onion bag made just enough "mesh yarn" to knit this 3" x 3" scrubbie.  No waiting, no two hour drive, no additional cost, one less onion bag in the landfill, and sparkling clean dishes besides...what a great deal!


1. Jackie's Stitches said...

You are BRILLIANT! I would have never thought of that.

2. Joanne Lendaro said...

they also make great little thread grabbers! just swipe them across the quilts and they will catch the excess threads.

3. Messy Karen said...

very cool. i was just about to throw away one of those onion bags.

4. Hazel said...

Great idea

5. Terry said...

What a great idea! And what a cute scrubber! :0)

6. Anonymous said...

Love it!!! An excuse to buy onions. ;o)

7. Kris said...

Susan - What a cool idea - both the scrubbie and your very creative interpretation!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Kris

8. Anonymous said...

I would like to place an order please...:)

9. jovaliquilts said...

I love the little knitted wash rags, but I've never heard of knitting in the tulle (or onion bags!). Great idea! I bet you could also use one of those bath scrubbers once they start to fall apart.

10. Janet said...

You clever thing you, what a great idea.

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